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Peloton Yoga Goes Global

Peloton Yoga Goes Global

By PelotonUpdated 20 April 2021


Peloton Yoga Goes Global

With our three new instructors, get ready for yoga classes in Spanish and German.

Did you know that the word “yoga” translates to “union?” Peloton Yoga holds this intrinsic meaning at its core. We are committed to bringing individuals together from around the world, on the mat. To continue on this journey with our Members, we’re welcoming three new yoga instructors into our team, expanding our yoga offerings to include classes taught—for the first time ever—in German and Spanish. Send a warm Peloton hello to Mariana Fernández, Kirra Michel and Nico Sarani! All three have traveled their own unique paths to Peloton, but they’ve converged here, ready to be by your side wherever you are in your own yoga journey.

Below, meet Mariana, Nico and Kirra, and count yourself in for their premiere yoga flows here!

Mariana Fernández

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Practicing on the mat with Mariana is like stepping into a beam of sparkling, warm summer sunlight. She envelops you in her glow, making it feel like you’ve known each other for lifetimes, and your time spent together will feel as cherished as a beloved family memory. Peloton’s first instructor to teach primarily in Spanish, Mariana is originally from Tampico, Mexico and is passionate about connecting with yogis from all backgrounds—especially those from the Latinx community. “I feel that the best gift I’ve ever received, growing up, was that my mother didn't allow English in the household,” recalls Mariana. “She said that no matter where we move to, we will retain our language, we will continue to go back to Mexico, we will continue to stay close to our family. And that has informed every single career move I’ve made and the relationships I’ve had throughout my life—and ultimately it's brought me to Peloton.”

In classes taught primarily in Spanish (and some in English, too), Mariana’s culturally inspired, deeply empathetic instruction style translates no matter the listener on the other side of the screen. “I want to make sure that all Members know that you don't have to speak Spanish, but that you keep yourself open to experience this type of movement. I want you to feel these arms wide open for you to try these challenges, a new rhythm, a new taste in your yoga practice and see what you can find, feel and experience in my classes.” Whatever resonates with you in Mariana’s classes—whether it’s the music, the energy or an indescribable connection that just slips past the realm of conscious reality—you will practice existing in your love and light the whole way through. “I invite you to rise up to the challenges that will meet you on your mat, and every day they're going to be different. I will encourage you to stay connected. I will breathe with you, I will cheer you on. And ultimately, I will remind you that it is your practice. I'm going to give you that big, warm embrace, and I'll be right there with you, the whole way.”

Kirra Michel

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Practicing with Kirra is a beautiful paradox come to life. Between grit and softness, rebellion and acceptance, stillness and energy, get ready to experience the full spectrum of yourself on the mat and be okay with floating in the space between extremes. You’ll learn to be okay with being undefinable—a lesson Kirra offers in spades. Kirra grew up beachside in Australia, her father a Buddhist yoga practitioner himself, whose teachings she initially resisted. “I hated yoga. I didn't want anything to do with it,” says Kirra. But coming from a dance and rhythmic gymnastics background, she reconciled her perceived distaste for yoga by leaning into the mind-body connection—and recognizing that the practice is more than just physical movement. “All these years later, I understand what my father taught me: Yoga isn't about ego, and I was fully in ego. But it took me a long time to understand what that meant.”

Although her love for yoga took its time to surface, Kirra has been meditating since childhood—although she didn’t realize it. “I surfed every single day. And in between the sets, when you're in the water, waiting for the set to come, you're meditating. If I was having an issue at home, I would go to the beach, sit on the rocks and just watch the water for an hour. And that's meditating.” But admittedly, says Kirra, “I'm not very good at sitting still, which is why the meditation practice is really important for me.” That’s just one paradox that Kirra honors as an instructor, making space in her classes for all who feel the same.

Kirra’s classes are about getting vulnerable with yourself, but she wants you to know that the mat is a safe space to face your inner landscape. “I do my best to teach from my heart. It has to be authentic. If it's not authentic, I don't want to do it. So I'm not going to be fake. I'm going to tell you that sometimes it sucks; sometimes it's wonderful—and everything in between,” she says. “Members can expect a creative class, with elements of dance, of even rhythmic gymnastics, of calisthenics, of strength. And then a whole lot of philosophy! This mat is a safe space to push your limits and to see where your edges are.”

Nico Sarani

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Practicing with Nico is to channel the whispers of your mind and soul through movement. It’s to realize that the lessons we learn on the mat manifest in every corner of our lives. It’s to be curious explorers of our inner selves, to get to know who we are again, and in some senses, to begin again. And speaking of new beginnings, Nico is our first instructor to bring Peloton Yoga to Germany! With classes taught in German, Nico believes every time you join her on the mat is an opportunity to learn, improve and grow.

As much as yoga is a physical practice, Nico will teach you to build power and strength of the mind, as well. “Yoga is not just a workout. It’s your ‘work-in,’” she says. It’s this balance of mind and body that Nico channels into classes that not only raise your heart rate, but also lighten your soul. And, bringing her experience as a mindset and health coach to Peloton, Nico leads with this mission: “With yoga, I want to give you a toolkit to master your life even better." With the confidence and life tools you’ll pick up in Nico’s new classes, you’ll soon discover that yoga has a quiet power that manifests in everything you do. We’re so pleased Nico has joined the Peloton family and look forward to our Members in Germany meeting her on the mat. Look forward to more German classes, more inspirational playlists and of course, more Nico!
